Portfolio Project: Fine-Tuning Open-Source Language Models


Start April 2023


Research and Development

Project Overview

This project focuses on the research and development of advanced language models, specifically fine-tuning open-source models to achieve superior performance and adaptability. Leveraging cutting-edge tools and frameworks, the project aims to push the boundaries of what language models can achieve in various domains and tasks.


– Develop advanced expertise in language model research and development.
– Implement and fine-tune language models using state-of-the-art tools and frameworks.
– Create a proprietary dataset to enhance model training and understanding.
– Optimize hardware setups for efficient training and inference.
– Surpass industry standards in model performance and adaptability.

This Chat AI is proudly presented right here as a Demo, and has gone through now over eight significant revisions that has led to huge gains in better understanding large language models to say the least.

Due to the recent hurricane that made landfall on July 8th in Texas, internet services have still been out of commission for some reason. At this time, there is no way to access the chat given how the servers hosting the chat assistant are offline. I don’t know why it takes so long to recover internet services from a category 0.9 hurricane, please go ask Comcast Business Internet and Xfinity (hint: they are the same thing).


Tools and Frameworks:
– Hugging Face’s Transformers Library: Utilized for implementing and fine-tuning languaged models.
– PyTorch: Employed for model training and optimization.
– Nvidia Titan RTX and Tesla P40 GPUs: Used for accelerated training and inference.

Data Collection and Preprocessing:
– Proprietary Dataset: Crafted from personal writings, meticulously curated to capture diverse linguistic patterns and nuances.
– Data Preprocessing: Advanced techniques such as text normalization and augmentation were used to enhance dataset quality and model robustness.

Model Training and Fine-Tuning:
– Tokenization Strategies: Explored various tokenization methods to optimize model input.
– Model Architectures: Focused on Transformer-based architectures for their superior performance.
– Encoding and Decoding Processes: Analyzed and optimized these processes to improve model efficiency.
– Hyperparameter Optimization: Implemented cutting-edge strategies to fine-tune model performance, achieving superior results compared to baseline approaches.

Integration and Deployment:
– RESTful APIs: Integrated pre-trained models using RESTful APIs for seamless interaction with chat AI via web applications and other platforms.
– AI-Centered Software Solutions: Developed software applications that utilize language models to manage complex problems.

Key Achievements

– Developed bespoke fine-tuning methodologies to adapt pre-trained models to specific domains and tasks, surpassing industry standards in model performance and adaptability.
– Constructed a proprietary dataset derived from personal writings, meticulously curated to capture diverse linguistic patterns and nuances, thereby enriching model training and understanding.
– Conducted extensive research and implementation of advanced machine learning techniques, focusing on the underlying mechanisms of LLM training, fine-tuning, and inference.
– Implemented cutting-edge hyperparameter optimization strategies and evaluation metrics to fine-tune model performance, achieving superior results compared to baseline approaches.
– Contributed to the advancement of NLP research by disseminating findings through technical publications and presentations, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community.

Technical Details

Frameworks and Libraries:
– Hugging Face’s Transformers Library: Utilized for efficient computation and optimization.
– PyTorch: Employed for model training and optimization.

Hardware Configurations:
– Nvidia Titan RTX and Tesla P40 GPUs: Used for accelerated training and inference, optimizing hardware setups to overcome computational complexity and memory management challenges.

Data Preprocessing:
– Text Normalization and Augmentation: Leveraged to enhance dataset quality and model robustness.

API Integration:
– RESTful APIs: Integrated for model inferencing, enabling seamless interaction with the chat AI via web applications and other platforms.

Mathematical Foundations

Understanding the mathematical foundations behind machine learning is crucial for developing effective LLMs. Here’s a detailed explanation of how models and text generation use probability and statistics:

Training Phase:
1. Data Collection: A large dataset of text is collected and used to train the model.
2. Tokenization: The text is broken down into smaller units called tokens (words, subwords, or characters).
3. Probability Distribution: The model learns the probability distribution of these tokens, understanding how likely a word is to follow another word.
4. Mathematical Foundations: This involves understanding the underlying statistics and probability distributions. For instance, the model might use Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) to estimate the parameters of the probability distribution.

Model Architecture:
1. Neural Networks: Modern LLMs like GPT-3 use deep neural networks, specifically transformer architectures, to model these probabilities.
2. Attention Mechanism: The attention mechanism helps the model focus on relevant parts of the input text, improving the probability estimates for the next token.

Inference Phase:
1. Generating Text: When generating text, the model uses the learned probability distribution to predict the next token in a sequence.
2. Sampling: The model samples from the probability distribution to generate the next token. This can be done using techniques like greedy sampling, beam search, or top-k sampling.
3. Iterative Process: This process is repeated iteratively. The generated token is added to the input sequence, and the model predicts the next token based on the updated sequence.

Tautological Relationship and Inevitable Failure

Tautological Relationship:
The model’s predictions are based on the data it was trained on. If the training data contains biases or errors, these will be reflected in the model’s predictions. This creates a tautological relationship where the model can only generate outputs based on what it has seen, limiting its ability to generalize beyond the training data.

Inevitable Failure:
Because the model relies on applying probabilities to the dataset from which it is derived, it will inevitably make errors. This is due to the fact that the probability coefficients used in generating responses are based on statistical data from the same dataset. Consequently, the generation of responses ends up having a cyclical relationship with the model itself. Note that when generating responses, probability coefficients are created in a pattern similar to that of a neural network. Errors can accumulate in a every increasing rate of error, especially in long sequences, leading to outputs that may not make sense. Additionally, the model’s reliance on the training data means it can fail when encountering out-of-distribution inputs or novel situations.

Example of Statistics in Action

1. Initial Sequence: “The weather today is”
2. Probability Distribution:
   – “sunny” (0.5)
   – “rainy” (0.3)
   – “cloudy” (0.2)
3. Sampling: Let’s say “sunny” is chosen.
4. Updated Sequence: “The weather today is sunny”
5. Next Prediction: The model now predicts the next word after “sunny”, and the process continues.

Skills and Technologies

Throughout this project, I have honed my skills in areas such as:
– Advanced programming languages like Python and JavaScript
– Machine learning libraries and frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow
– Natural language processing techniques and algorithms
– Data preprocessing and feature engineering
– Hyperparameter tuning and model selection
– Deployment and integration of AI models into production-ready systems


This project has significantly advanced my expertise in language model research and development. By leveraging cutting-edge tools, frameworks, and methodologies, I have been able to fine-tune language models to achieve superior performance and adaptability. The creation of a proprietary dataset and the implementation of advanced machine learning techniques have further enriched the model training process, leading to notable contributions to the NLP research community.

For more details and to interact with the AI model, visit my portfolio site at linkedinliu.com (desktop web browsers only).